Thursday, October 4, 2007

What Society Expects Of Me

The adults always want me to study. My parents want me to get good marks. My teachers want me to do a lot of work. But I’m becoming a teenager and most teenagers don’t want to be under somebody’s words, so I usually get bored and lazy to do something they want me to. In the past I didn’t know why I should do something they told me, so sometimes I didn’t do it willingly.
But now I can see that we won’t be able to survive in the society in these days without education. I can’t say that we can live without money. The money is important these days for buying things we need. To get the money we have to work, and to have the job easily we should have high education.
The bigger society is Thai society and what Thai society expects me to be is a good person. It is good to have many good people in the society to make the society better and safer. These days, there are many bad people in the society. They do bad things like corruption, killing or robbing. I don’t know why there are many bad people like this and most of them are adults. Sometimes I want to blame the adults to be the cause of bad society but I think that is a useless thing to do. I should do good things and be a good person to make the society better. I know I’m just one person and don’t have enough power to improve the society, but it is better than doing nothing.


Peach_roll-tee said...

I agree with you that money is important but good think is more important. Because I think some people have money but use it to do bad thing but some people who is a good person can make the good thing and they will don’t make a bad thing to destroy someone. I agree with you that people around you want to make you can survive in the society and make you to be one person who is a good person in the society and I think they succeed to make you to be a good person.

nut said...

I do agree with you about the adults that always order us to do what they wanted us to do and I didn’t do it sometimes. Perhaps, they might think that it our job to do what ever they said for them, likes the children have to help adults.
It’s true that education is important these day and we have to study hard for entrance to get in the university and have high education to get the job easily. But if we just study in the school only, I think it isn’t enough for today society anymore. We should learn more about how to survive in the society today too.