Thursday, October 11, 2007


If someone asks Thai people what the Thai culture is, the first image that will pop in the head might be someone dancing in Thai style, wearing a golden headdress. But I think that’s not all of the Thai culture. It is hard to decide what the culture really is. Thai people don’t wear golden headdresses or ride elephants these days, but they might have done in the past. That’s the culture in the past. I think culture means things that most people do in the particular country in the present and in the past. All of them are culture.

Culture is different in every country, even if that country is some country’s colony. That’s because people in different countries live in different environments, find different food and live in different climates, so people in different country do different things. I think it is good to have the particular culture in a particular country. That makes the world look interesting. We are always interested by things we don’t see every day. If we go to other countries, we’ll see many new things that we might not have seen because they have the different culture.

As I’ve said, cultures are different in every country, so we might see some foreigners doing something we don’t do every day or didn’t do in the past, like having boyfriend or girlfriend early or walking in the house with their shoes on and someone might not like it. People in different countries see us eating insects or paying respect to something for numbers to buy the lottery, they might not like it too. We can’t say that other country’s culture is bad just because it is not our culture.

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