Thursday, November 1, 2007

How do you feel when you do something special or important

In my life, I have done many things that I think it is important. When I was in the kindergarten school, I was usually chosen by the teacher to be the person that has to speak or present something to the public, like reading poem or announcing the names of my friends on the graduate day.

I can’t remember now how I felt in that day, but if I have to do it now, I think I’ll get a little nervous. I’m always worried when I have to present something to the public. If I have the script, I’ll try to memorize it exactly all the words to make the clear information. That will makes me feel nervous and not be able to speak fluently. Sometimes I think the audiences don’t like what I have done or think that I’m funny when I don’t want to look funny. But when the presentation is over, all of the nervous feelings are disappear and the audiences seem not to care about my mistakes like I was worried during the presentation. That makes me know that I shouldn’t be worried so much in the first time.

But even though I know that I shouldn’t feel like that, my heart always beats hard when I am in front of the audiences.


Sompoi! said...

I’m agreeing with you in your example that you shouldn’t be worried so much in the first time. Because in the first time for everyone always to be like that and then that doing finished they always think like you too. For someone who always be like that they always thinking a lot ,but you really be a good luck man that you know what is you feeling and you can control it.

In my life, I have done many things that I think it is important too but for something that I must do I think it isn’t important for me. Maybe in fact, that thing is the important thing in my future life.

JANE ** lolz** said...

HI Pao. This is Jane.
I have never been chosen by teacher to do important things, like you do. But if I have to do the now or whenever, I will be very shy and be very nervous. I agree with you that although we know that they will not care the mistakes we have made but the nervous feeling will always comes up. I think it because of when someone was doing the presentation all the audience will catch on him, watching him moving and speaking.
I like your blog’s name and the color of your background, it is very colorful.