Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Parent's Opinions

My parents are about fifty years old. They have seen many kinds of people and places. They also have been through many events that I have never been through. Society in these days is different from what it was when they were at my age. They know that education is very important. They know that life is not always in the way we want it to be. So they always support the education because they believe that education is the important thing that can help us to survive in the society.

My parents are hard workers. They don’t put so much interest on fashion or something like that. They might think that it is the waste of time to follow the fashion. They don’t agree with girls wearing sexy clothes or boys dressing in punk style. They don’t care so much about what I wear because they know I don’t wear too fashionable clothes.

They think that society in these days is not so delightful. Sometimes people have to compete with each other to have their own good life. They feel that there are a lot of people that can’t be trust in the society and I agree with that. We can see that there is much news about them such as the corruption or the robbery.


..[F]!|m.. said...

I agree with your parents, the education is very important. A person who has the high or good education, will get the good job, a lot of money and good life. Because every cares about the academic degree more than the ability.
About the fashion, the teenagers always follow it. That is the important for them, maybe more than the education. My parents just worry about that too but that doesn’t mean I dress up to sexy. The fashion is important in the society too, so we can know it but don’t need to follow it.

Yokee said...

Hi, Pao I go along with your parent. They have a lot of experience in them life. Now in the society there are a lot of bad people. It very different with the past because in the past every people will help such as when somebody have a problem every body will help but at the present we can’t say who is good or who is bad because when we look at some people outwardly they might good but when we look at them long time in them hard might very bad.

Yokee said...
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