Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Parent's Opinions

My parents are about fifty years old. They have seen many kinds of people and places. They also have been through many events that I have never been through. Society in these days is different from what it was when they were at my age. They know that education is very important. They know that life is not always in the way we want it to be. So they always support the education because they believe that education is the important thing that can help us to survive in the society.

My parents are hard workers. They don’t put so much interest on fashion or something like that. They might think that it is the waste of time to follow the fashion. They don’t agree with girls wearing sexy clothes or boys dressing in punk style. They don’t care so much about what I wear because they know I don’t wear too fashionable clothes.

They think that society in these days is not so delightful. Sometimes people have to compete with each other to have their own good life. They feel that there are a lot of people that can’t be trust in the society and I agree with that. We can see that there is much news about them such as the corruption or the robbery.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

How do you feel when you do something special or important

In my life, I have done many things that I think it is important. When I was in the kindergarten school, I was usually chosen by the teacher to be the person that has to speak or present something to the public, like reading poem or announcing the names of my friends on the graduate day.

I can’t remember now how I felt in that day, but if I have to do it now, I think I’ll get a little nervous. I’m always worried when I have to present something to the public. If I have the script, I’ll try to memorize it exactly all the words to make the clear information. That will makes me feel nervous and not be able to speak fluently. Sometimes I think the audiences don’t like what I have done or think that I’m funny when I don’t want to look funny. But when the presentation is over, all of the nervous feelings are disappear and the audiences seem not to care about my mistakes like I was worried during the presentation. That makes me know that I shouldn’t be worried so much in the first time.

But even though I know that I shouldn’t feel like that, my heart always beats hard when I am in front of the audiences.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


If someone asks Thai people what the Thai culture is, the first image that will pop in the head might be someone dancing in Thai style, wearing a golden headdress. But I think that’s not all of the Thai culture. It is hard to decide what the culture really is. Thai people don’t wear golden headdresses or ride elephants these days, but they might have done in the past. That’s the culture in the past. I think culture means things that most people do in the particular country in the present and in the past. All of them are culture.

Culture is different in every country, even if that country is some country’s colony. That’s because people in different countries live in different environments, find different food and live in different climates, so people in different country do different things. I think it is good to have the particular culture in a particular country. That makes the world look interesting. We are always interested by things we don’t see every day. If we go to other countries, we’ll see many new things that we might not have seen because they have the different culture.

As I’ve said, cultures are different in every country, so we might see some foreigners doing something we don’t do every day or didn’t do in the past, like having boyfriend or girlfriend early or walking in the house with their shoes on and someone might not like it. People in different countries see us eating insects or paying respect to something for numbers to buy the lottery, they might not like it too. We can’t say that other country’s culture is bad just because it is not our culture.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What Society Expects Of Me

The adults always want me to study. My parents want me to get good marks. My teachers want me to do a lot of work. But I’m becoming a teenager and most teenagers don’t want to be under somebody’s words, so I usually get bored and lazy to do something they want me to. In the past I didn’t know why I should do something they told me, so sometimes I didn’t do it willingly.
But now I can see that we won’t be able to survive in the society in these days without education. I can’t say that we can live without money. The money is important these days for buying things we need. To get the money we have to work, and to have the job easily we should have high education.
The bigger society is Thai society and what Thai society expects me to be is a good person. It is good to have many good people in the society to make the society better and safer. These days, there are many bad people in the society. They do bad things like corruption, killing or robbing. I don’t know why there are many bad people like this and most of them are adults. Sometimes I want to blame the adults to be the cause of bad society but I think that is a useless thing to do. I should do good things and be a good person to make the society better. I know I’m just one person and don’t have enough power to improve the society, but it is better than doing nothing.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Young people today

I think young people are all the same in every period of time. They are young. They are healthy. They are interested in almost everything. Teenage time is the giant step in our life. It is the time that we are not just children anymore.
Many new things will get into our life. There are good things and bad things for us to choose. However, nowadays there are so many bad things that come from the adults. I believe that the teenagers did not invent drugs or alcohol or design the expensive fashionable clothes themselves. They all come from the adults but as I can see, the adults always complain when young people are interested in those things.

Many bad things such as drugs and alcohol look interesting and it is easy for young people to walk in the wrong way. However, there are still many good things for us to choose too. We can find our best friend in this time in the school. We can use the technology to open up our mind like using internet. We are able to decide what we want to do in the future. We have the ability to do what we want in this time because we are fresher and healthier than the adults.

The main thing in this time is to choose. If you choose the way that is good for you, so that will be good for you. If you choose the way that is not good for you, like wasting a lot of money on useless things or taking alcohol and drugs, that will be not good for you at all.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Nice to meet you

Hi, my name is Pao. I'm 15 years old. I've always lived in Thailand. If you know me you’ll know that I don’t talk much to someone I don’t know very well. I don’t know if it’s good or not but I think I like to be this way.
In my free time at school I like to talk to my friends. They are good guys and gals and I enjoy talking and telling jokes to them. They laugh at my jokes and that makes me feel good. In my free time at home I like to play video games. It’s such a lot of fun. I like watching television too. There are many different things each day on the television and I enjoy watching them.
In future I want to have a good life and a good job but I don’t know yet what it will be. Now I just need to focus on learning to get all of the useful things from the school. I’m learning in the science program which is such hard work for me because everything is so different in high school. The lessons are harder and there is more work to do.
By the way, this blog is for my English lesson. I hope you enjoy reading it. If there’s something you want to tell me, feel free to comment in my blog.